

demos qualifications


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Radio Experience


    Afternoon Drive Host KIX 106 FM                             August 2004 – Present

        Peace River Broadcasting, Peace River, AB

        Duties:  Weekday drive show with request hour, voice tracking for 90's unlimited show, coordinate promotions including creating contest ideas, coordinate staff to talk about contest/giveaways, voice commercials, remotes as assigned

        Extras:  Volunteer to cover events, interviews for show, cover morning show, occasionally on-call for technical assistance during off hours


    Afternoon Drive Host ‘YL Country 610 AM                      December 2003 – August 2004

        Peace River Broadcasting, Peace River, AB

        Duties:  Weekday drive show with information and entertainment, voice commercials, voice tracking for KIX 106 evenings and CKHL FM Drive show, remotes as assigned, Music Logs for CKHL-FM/SOCAN reports, Media Touch (OPLog and Log Tools), RCS

        Extras:  Local interest and music interviews for show


    Mid-Day Show Host 94.5 CHET/104.5 CHAD-FM                 September 2003 -- December 2003

        Chetwynd Communications Society, Chetwynd, BC

        Duties:  Weekday mid-day show using Simian, production of ads and dubs using CoolEdit, traffic and logs, voice commercials, remotes as assigned

        Extras:   Co-hosted last hour of morning show




    British Columbia Institute of Technology                        September 2001 – May 2003

        Radio Broadcasting Diploma

        Practicum KIX 106/’YL Country                           May 2003

        Courses included: Hosting shows on 104.5 CFML, professional voice training, production of documentaries and ads, news gathering and delivery, copywriting.


Relevant Skills    



Please contact me and I will give you the names and numbers of my references.